Create a badge
Dernière mise à jour
Dernière mise à jour
Badges are currently in BETA. You can request access to the feature by following this link.
To create a badge, go to the "Badges" page and click on the "Create a badge" button.
On the creation page, on the left side, you can enter the following fields:
Name : the name of your badge, it will be visible to other users
Description : a description (not mandatory), only visible for the editors
Enable teasing mode : allows to decide whether the badge should be displayed on the "My badges" page of users, with an indication on how to earn it.
Notify user : allows you to decide if you want a user to receive an email with their badge as soon as they unlock one.
On the right side, for the visual of your badge, you can choose either an image, an emoji, or have an image generated by AI.
If you choose an emoji, please note that it may be displayed slightly differently depending on the operating system of your user.
Emojis can also appear pixelated in notification emails (especially on Gmail).
Once the information is entered, click on "Save".
You will then be taken to the edit page of your badge. Note that it is automatically created in "Draft". You are free to decide when to activate it, by setting it to "Published".
A badge can have 3 statuses:
Draft: badge does not appear at all for users, and no one can win it
Published : users can earn the badge according to the conditions set, and see it on their page "My badges"
Expired : Users who have already earned the badge can still see it, but no one can earn it anymore.
On the editing screen, you also have the possibility to customize the display of the visual:
remove the background of your image with AI (to transform it into PNG with a transparent background)
modify the shape of your image (octagon, star, circle, etc.).
The next step is to define the rules for obtaining the badge. To do this, use the "Getting rules" tab at the top of the page.