How to manage your learners?

Learners menu

By clicking on the Learners menu and then “List of learners” you will be able to identify the complete list of all your learners on a single page.

Visuel de l'interface de gestion des apprenants avec Cards micro-learning

List of learners or students

On this page you can perform the following actions :

  • Search: to search for a learner (useful when you have more than 10-20 learners).
  • Add a learner: this is a shortcut to the individual learner addition menu.
  • Profile: to view your learner’s profile and progress statistics (if any)
Profil d'un apprenant sur Cards micro-learning

You will see the statistics for each course as well as the scores obtained and the groups your learner is in.

  • Edit: Allows you to access the learner’s profile to change or correct basic information, or even to assign new groups.

The search function finds the first names, surnames and emails of your learners.