Export activities

Cards micro-learning allows you to export your learners’ activities in a CSV file, either individually or for an entire group of learners.

Individual export (learner)

From the list of learners (menu “Learners”) click on the profile of a learner for whom you want to obtain a CSV export of his activity.

In the left column of the profile, at the bottom, you will find the button to “Export your activity”.

A CSV file will be offered for download, containing all the activities of the learner.

export activité micro-learning cards

Exporting group's activity

From the Dashboard screen (Manager side home page): scroll down until you find the Latest Activities tracking table and then :

  • click on View All Activities,
  • Filter results by Group (or individually) and select the relevant group,
  • Export the activities by clicking on the button on the right of the screen.

GIF d'export d'activité Excel sur Cards micro-learning