Create a microlearning

In the ” Training ” menu you can choose ” Add a training “.

Add a training

CrΓ©ation d'une formation avec Cards micro-learning

Key points

You can then complete the following information:

  • Title: the name of your micro-training (visible by learners).
  • Description: a few lines to describe your micro-training.
  • Category: to group, sort or organise your courses (visible to the learner).
  • Image: to illustrate your course with a photo or a visual/logo.
  • Colour: choose a main colour to identify the course on mobile or tablet devices (also useful if you don’t have an illustration image).

Access and Ratings

The information below (and available on the course creation or editing page) allows you to define the access to the course as well as the possibility to leave a note or a review on it:
  • Groups: to define which group(s) of learners can access your training. You can select several groups without worrying.
  • Grading: this option allows you to ask your learners to leave you a review and a grade at the end of the course.
  • Integrate the course: choose whether your course should be publicly accessible or not. A public access link will then be generated when you register to allow you to share the course online.
Public training

No statistics can be collected from users accessing your course in public mode. However, you will always have access to the statistics of your learners who have a user account on your Cards micro-learning account.